Can I keep the same doctor?

Yes! We encourage our residents to keep their own doctor, if possible. The staff can assist with making you any appointments and transport, if required.

If you are unable to keep your own doctor, staff will assist in finding an appropriate doctor.

What if I need to make a complaint?

Anyone can make a complaint or raise any concerns about an SRS.

If possible, residents should raise any concerns or complaints with the SRS complaints officer first and the complaint MUST be written in writing.

Complaints can remain anonymous, if you wish.

Investigations into the complaint or concern will start within 2 business days of the complaints officer receiving the complaint. The complaints officer will keep the complainant informed of any steps taken to resolve the issue. The complaints officer will also inform the complainant of any decisions and the reasoning behind the decision of the resolved complaint.

Complaints can also be directed to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) authorised officer, if you are uncomfortable approaching anyone at the SRS or unsatisfied of the SRS response to the original complaint. The complaint can either be done by phone, email or phone call.

After the department receiving the complaint, they may do some or all of the following;

  • Discuss the issue with both the SRS manager/proprietor and the complainant.
  • Inspect the SRS
  • Discuss with the staff of the SRS more information regarding the complaint
  • Interview all relevant people in relation to the matter.

The authorised officer will notify all relevant parties of the steps taken and the outcome of the complaint.


  • Fitzroy Office (North and West Metropolitan Regions) 9412 5333
  • Dandenong Office (Southern Metropolitan Region) 8765 5444
  • Box Hill Office (East Metropolitan Region) 9843 6000
  • Geelong Office (Barwon-South Western Region) 5226 4540

General information regarding SRS information through the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH) central SRS and Accommodation Support Unit can be contacted on (03) 9096 0000

Complaints can also be given to Community Visitors (CVs) who are apart of the Office of the Public Advocate who are an independent statute authority.

The CVs visit the SRS regularly, one a month. The CVs investigate whether the SRS is complying with the relevant Act; if there are any complaints and any other issues that need to be raised with the.

Residents and loved ones can contact the CVs directly. The CVs will raise any concerns or issues with the proprietor/manager and/or relevant department.

Phone: 1300 309 337

Can I have visitors?

Definitely! Your friends, family or carer are still a part of your life. We just ask that they fill out relevant documentation at the SRS for evacuation purposes. We also ask if you are planning on going out, that the visitor fills out the contact information form. This is so the SRS can contact the visitor in an emergency or if you are not returned by the expected time.

Who will look after me in the SRS?

There are many staff who work at the SRS.

The Personal Support Coordinator (PSC) must have appropriate training and qualifications to work at the SRS. The PSC will manage the daily personal support the residents receive.

The SRS will also have a manager alongside the PSC.

All other staff (cleaners, PCAs, kitchen staff) all meet the staffing levels of the following;

  • 1 staff member for every 30 residents, with extra staffing to meet personal support requirements (if necessary)
  • All staff members have first aid training. Minimum 1 staff with recent training to be working at all times.
  • Minimum 1 staff member overnight at the SRS. That staff member sleeps at the SRS but will be woken for any first aid or any other emergency issues such as fire.
Can I go on a holiday?

You definitely can. You will still be required to pay your rent while you are away.

Can I change rooms?

You may be content with your SRS, but you feel like a change of rooms. The manager/proprietor will consider your request, even if a room cannot be offered straight away.

Your fees will depend on room.

Can the SRS ask me to leave?

Yes. The SRS will ask you to leave under the following conditions:

  • If you endanger the safety of another resident
  • If you or a visitor is responsible for serious damage to the premises
  • If you seriously interrupt the other residents’ rights to a quiet and peaceful enjoyment of the SRS.
  • If you use or allow someone else to use the SRS for an illegal purpose
  • If your fees are more than 14 days late
  • If you require more health care or personal needs than what the SRS can provide.
  • The SRS is closing
  • The SRS is conducting building works or demolishing the SRS and you’re unable to be accommodated elsewhere on the premises.
How do I plan my care?

Your SRS manager/PSC will assist you to do this. The manager/PSC will conduct a meeting with yourself, family or friends, if you choose, to outline what needs you have and how to ensure that those needs are met. This will form your ongoing support plan with the SRS and will assist staff in how to give you the best care required.

If you already have a support plan that has been developed elsewhere, you can also bring that to assist in creating your support plan with the SRS.

What is a Residential and Services Agreement?

The Residential and Services Agreement (RSA) is a written agreement between yourself and the SRS which includes the items and services you will receive for your fees.

The manager or proprietor will have the RSA ready for when you move in and will go through the RSA with you. The RSA will be provided to you within 48 hours of moving into the SRS.

What happens if I am unwell?

The SRS staff will notify your doctor and next of kin and will arrange transport to the nearest hospital if required and if your doctor is unavailable. Your doctor can visit the SRS and conduct any examinations and arrange appropriate treatment.

What if I want to leave the SRS?

You are required to inform the manager you are wanting to leave the SRS.

The RSA will specify the period of notice that must be given to the SRS if you intend to leave. The maximum notice to be given to the SRS is 28 days of your intention to leave.

You will also need to remove all your personal property out of the SRS.

Do I require to be assessed before getting into an SRS?

No. you are not required to get an assessment prior to moving into an SRS.

Can I go out when I want to?

Yes. It is recommended that you inform SRS staff you intend to go out and when you’re planning on returning and if you require a meal upon your return.

What in-house activities does the SRS provide?

The SRS will organise any in house activities. You’re welcome to participate in as many or as few as you like.

Advise the SRS staff what your hobbies and interests are so the staff can assist in creating activities around those hobbies and interests. The staff may also suggest different things to try out – giving you an opportunity to create new interests, skills and friendships.

Can I bring my own furniture?

Your room will include all furnishings, we do encourage you to bring along personal items to help it feel and look like your own space.

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